
Ask Uncle Mark YP is created on Quandamooka Country, Queensland Australia


Uncle Mark YP is a Chief Director of Super Native Unlimited & Indigenous Queensland leader who specialises in cross cultural collaboration. He is an Intercultural Leadership specialist from South East Queensland and North East NSW regions. He is from the Birrah, Gamilaroi and Bundjalung peoples. Uncle Mark YP brings decades of wisdom from his career in leadership development, diversity and inclusion, and community education across the corporate, government and faith sectors. 

He has advised organisations such as National Australia Bank, Australian Football League (AFL) Indigenous Development programs and the Indigenous All Stars, Medibank, Australia Post and Foundation for Young Australians, and held roles as Joint Campaign Director for Recognise, CEO of the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre and a senior leader at Office of the Registrar of Aboriginal Corporations.

Uncle Mark is currently the Deep Collaboration Lead for Collaboration for Impact, the 2021 Core facilitator for the Australia Council for the Arts Custodianship Program and one of four Pou, Indigenous Intellectual Leader and Knowledge Holder for the 2021 Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity Program.

His other projects include designing and creating First Nations Frameworks.