
Ask Uncle Mark YP is created on Quandamooka Country, Queensland Australia


I’m Uncle Mark YP.

I answer your questions about Indigenous identity, leadership, collaboration and more.

Subscribe to receive my weekly thoughts and summaries on current Australian and First Nations affairs.

I'm Uncle Mark YP. Ask me a question about leadership, collaboration and facilitation.


Our weekly articles are coming soon. Expect some thought provoking ideas, some much needed reminders sprinkled with some Uncle Mark wit and humour.


We’re designing some fun merchandise showcasing one of Uncle Mark YP’s other talents, and that’s his love for drawing and design. Subscribe now for updates.


Got a question for Uncle Mark YP? Keen to learn more about a particular topic he’s discussed? Fill out our contact form and we’ll get back to you in 2 working days.

Sharing my 30+ years of professional work and experience in cross cultural and First Nations facilitation, Indigenous leadership development and collaboration to create resources that can help you navigate some of those complex issues.

Like, what does it mean to be Australian and how does an Australian Indigenous War Cry during the Bledisloe Cup strengthen our Rugby Union Wallabies?

Grab a cup of tea and let’s have a conversation.

Ask Uncle Mark YP - Indigenous identity, leadership and more